"Frosted Fangs" Fragrance Oil
Reignite your memories of weekend breakfast. No more school means the smell of icing being spread over a fresh warm cinnamon roll. Creamy, sweet, and packed with maw watering baked-good notes, this fragrance will leave you howling for more!
10 mL
Reignite your memories of weekend breakfast. No more school means the smell of icing being spread over a fresh warm cinnamon roll. Creamy, sweet, and packed with maw watering baked-good notes, this fragrance will leave you howling for more!
10 mL

Reignite your memories of weekend breakfast. No more school means the smell of icing being spread over a fresh warm cinnamon roll. Creamy, sweet, and packed with maw watering baked-good notes, this fragrance will leave you howling for more!
10 mL
This product is IFRA compliant for non-skin contact use. Please treat this product as you would any essential oil and do not apply directly to skin, do not ingest, and avoid eye contact. We do not recommend using this product directly on fursuits, as this has not had the appropriate testing for faux fur and may damage your fursuit. Should you decide to use it on faux fur, make sure to dilute this heavily and spot check. If you have any questions or concerns around possible allergens or further details on IFRA guidelines for this fragrance, please fill out our contact form and we are more than happy to help.